My "MOTTAI NAI" project.
Handmade by MashtonMashton These cats are made from left over of Japanese obi in my other projects. When I saw so much left over of material I thought "Oh What a MOTTAI NAI!" You know what does it mean? We have a word "MOTTAI NAI" in Japanese. MOTAI NAI means regret of waste. My mother often told us "Eat all. Use all. Because MOTAI NAI!" I grew up with MOTAI NAI culture so I don't like waste; Even in my projects. More detail of Mottainai from Wikipedia Mottainai is a Japanese term conveying a sense of regret concerning waste .The expression "Mottainai!" can be uttered alone as an exclamation when something useful, such as food or time, is wasted, meaning roughly "what a waste!" or "Don't waste." In addition to its primary sense of "wasteful", the word is also used to mean "impious; irreverent" or "more than one deserves". Mottainai is an old Buddhist word...