Beaded decor "Happy wedding."

Handmade by MashtonMashton Hi, All! I go back to Japan tomorrow for my sister's wedding. I am very happy for their wedding. I made wedding a gift for them. I made wedding dress by beaded decor. I was imagining my sister's wedding dress while I was making this beaded picture. Also my mother in law sent me a wedding card for my sister. How kind! I will bring her card with my beaded picture together. Handmade by MashtonMashton Handmade by MashtonMashton Handmade by MashtonMashton Handmade by MashtonMashton My flight to Japan is about 16 hours. I hope everything goes well without any issue. I can't wait to see my family and her wedding! Something I found intersting will be posted on my blog from Japan. Have a good summer holiday, everyone! :) Masumi.xo